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Table 2 Loadings of Treatment Satisfaction with Medication Items (n = 567)

From: Validation of a general measure of treatment satisfaction, the Treatment Satisfaction Questionnaire for Medication (TSQM), using a national panel study of chronic disease


Factor I

Factor II

Factor III

Side effects 1: Side effects interfere with physical function




Side effects 2: Bothersomeness of side effects




Side effects 3: Side effects interfere with mental function




Side effects 4: Side effects impact overall satisfaction




Effectiveness 1: Ability to prevent or treat the condition




Effectiveness 2: Ability to relieve symptoms




Effectiveness 3: Time it takes medication to start working




Convenience 1: Convenience of administration




Convenience 2: Ease/Difficulty of planning




Convenience 3: Ease/Difficulty following schedule




  1. 75.6% of Total Variance Explained; by Factor I (28.4%), Factor II (24.1%) and Factor III (23.1%)