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Table 4 Differences in QoL between younger and older individuals

From: Factors affecting the quality of life after ischemic stroke in young adults: a scoping review


Study design

Participants and sampling

Age mean (SD), range or median (years)

HRQoL measure

Measure time (Time of assessment after stroke)

Main findings and conclusion

Lannin et al. (2017) [54]


Retrospective study

Working age adults (18–64 years): 5154

ISs: 79%

Older group

(≥ 65 years):15,317

Not reported


90 and 180 days after hospital admission

The younger group reported problems with self-care (only 21%), performing usual activities (53%), and pain/discomfort (45%) less often compared with the older one. There were no statistical differences in mobility and emotional domain

Lisabeth et al. (2018) [55]


Retrospective study

The midlife ISs

(45–64): 1618

Older ISs (≥ 65 years): 3240

The midlife ISs: 56.8 Median: 52.2

Older ISs: 78.3, Median: 72.4


90 Days after IS

Despite more favourable 90-day neurologic, functional, and cognitive outcomes, the midlife stroke survivors’ group did not report better QoL than the old one

Palmcrantz et al. (2012) [56]


Prospective study

Young adult

(< 65 years):63 (84% ISs)

Older group

(≥ 65 years):129

Young: 53 (11), 25–64

Old: 78 (8), 65–94


12 Months after IS

No statistical differences in global recovery between the groups. Young adults reported greater use of care and rehabilitation, higher levels of strength, self-care/domestic life, and mobility. Self-perceived global recovery in the younger group was mainly affected by hand function and depression. The initial sense of coherence, stroke severity and follow-up independence in ADL were associated with self-perceived global recovery in young adults at 12 months

  1. ADL activities of daily living, EQ-5D-3L EuroQoL-5 dimension-3 level, EQ-5D EuroQoL-5 dimension, ISs Ischemic stroke survivors, IQR Inter quartile range, mRS Modified Rankin Scale, SS-QoL-12 short-form Stroke Specific Quality of Life scale, SIS Stroke Impact scale, VAS Visual analogue scale